Professor JEY Office Hour Recap (Week 2)
Sep 3, 2021

We are very pleased to have concluded our 2nd weekly office hour.
Please find below our weekly recap, survey question results, and the live community Q&A session that followed. If you missed it, we hope to see you there next time!
Weekly Recap
We are moving further with legal housekeeping on our negotiation with the leading Central Exchange (CEX). In the meantime, we are also planning an Initial Dex Offering (IDO) before the Token Generation Event (TGE).
We are now arranging marketing channels for the IDO and TGE, with help from some influencers. We are also working with a major web3 community for co-marketing, which you'll be able to see this month.
We are finalizing the staking contract and claiming UI, which will go live on TGE (15th September).
Strategy, Vision & Competition
*Any new plans beyond the road map during this bull market?*
Product-wise, we will prioritize rolling out TWAP in Q4.
Our 1st product, the Comparator, uses a 5-min execution window to achieve the best execution of roughly $1mil sized orders at the spot.
Our 2nd product, TWAP, which will be our product priority in Q4 2021, uses a 1-day to 1-week execution window to achieve the best execution of roughly $100m sized orders.
Token-wise, we will keep pursuing further listing, marketing, and community efforts in Q4.
*As Integral’s brand and reputation continue to grow, would the team consider leveraging this reputation and tech and partner with an NFT DEX? Is this even a feasible idea?*
That's definitely a possibility if we think there's room for innovation there. It's unlikely that we will do something trite with no innovation involved. It's not our game.
*How does the team plan on attracting large client trading volume given that most institutions utilize CeFi?*
It's either aggregator integration or trade mining. We are working on both. Integration is more blocked because a non-atomic DEX is rare. Trade mining has been tested by the community, and we expect to expand it further.
*Which exchange do you see being Integral’s biggest competitor in the coming years, and why? What will make Integral the best exchange?*
We occupy the niche of Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP) execution. There are no other players in this track, so it’s quite blue ocean. It will be exceedingly so once we launch our 1-day to 1-week execution window product.
*Does the Team have plans to expand to other chains or L2s?*
It depends on if there are demands for block trades on those chains. L2/roll-up has higher priority on our roadmap.
*Any way to offer an APR when total deposits are below $1MM?*
We are considering down-adjusting the rewards for these unpopular pools and then lowering the assets under management (AUM) threshold.
*Do you have a plan in case of a DeFi attack, similar to recent events on the Polygon chain?*
Our focus is on not getting hacked. Our smart contract has been battle-tested against $750m AUM. We also increased our critical bug bounties to $250k this week. We have early detection monitors and industry connections in place.
*What do you think about the Time-Weighted Average Market Maker (TWAMM) product from Paradigm? Are you planning ahead?*
We will likely launch first, and we welcome more players to popularize and legitimize the big trend of TWAP on-chain. It has room for many players.
*What’s the difference between Integral and TWAMM from Paradigm?*
Same objectives — both execute orders over time. The difference is that we use an oracle to determine the price, and they use their own pools. The outcome should be similar if both designs work correctly. We know our design will work as shown by the current 5-min product.
*With $ITGR being a governance token, can you expand on how revenue share from trade and commission will benefit holders?*
Plain and simple: the protocol earns $1, $1 will go into the protocol treasury. When DAO voting starts, a vote can take place to dispense part of the protocol treasury to token holders.
*Will our interest be visible in our accounts from Sep 15th?*
Yes, it will be.
*Do you have any news concerning the listing? Is it still on track for September 15th?*
Our TGE is still on track for September 15th. It will be done through token vesting and a planned IDO.
*How do you feel about memes like “Magic 8-Ball” (about frequent listing delays) and “Lamborghinis bought for $32 million”?*
We don't expect love from everyone. They can keep gut-punching us, and we will keep focusing on innovation and doing what’s right for our believers and the DeFi industry. We don't care about yachts; we care about our work.