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Gas Refund for Reverted Transaction on Launch Day

Apr 12, 2021

On March 29th, some liquidity providers experienced reverted transactions, and their gas fee was wasted. We take full responsibility for this situation and are reimbursing expenses incurred from such transactions, in $ITGR form.

We are releasing the 1st batch of reverted transactions and wallet addresses which have been verified. To protect privacy, we only display the first and last 4 digits of these numbers. The quickest way to find if your transaction was included in this list is to use “Quick Find” in the left panel. Also, since Notion collapses rows in the table, you may need to scroll to the bottom and click "Load 50 more" to see the whole table.

We will release the 2nd batch soon, with information like the exact numbers of $ITGR for reimbursement and the distribution plan. If you have not reported your reverted deposit launch day, please fill in this [form](https://forms.gle/dBgVdqEFqxgYQ9jw9) to report your issue.

Also, as we said yesterday, LP farming rewards this week are now 1.875% of [ITGR](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24ITGR&src=cashtag_click) cap.

To see the full list of reverted transactions, please use this link.